The Call-Taking Process
Here is how I answered my calls. You may wish to alter it to your own liking:
Write down the time you answer the call on your log sheet.
Hello and thank you for calling the psychic line! My name is Lori (you can use your real name, your magickal name or anything else you find suitable), my extension number is ______, and I am a Tarot reader and advisor. Who am I speaking with today?
Write down the name. Usually the person gives his or her first name only at this point.
And how old are you, (name given)?
Write down the age. If the person's age is less than 18 years old, you will need to end the conversation. Mark an "X" by the "under 18" box, then say,
I'm sorry, (name given), but since you are under 18 years of age, I cannot continue this reading any further. Would you please have your mother or father call back?
If the person is indeed over 18, continue by saying,
Ok then (name given), I see you are a (astrological sign - keep a "cheat -sheet nearby of the dates of the signs if you need to). Is this your first time calling?
If yes, mark that down. It's also nice for you to know, since this will give you a standpoint of your caller.
Would you like a general reading (name given), or do you have a specific question you need me to look into for you?
Listen carefully to the caller's response, especially the tone of voice. Usually, this answer will clue you in on the severity of his or her situation. Now begin the reading. Tell the person,
As I shuffle the cards for you, I want you to focus on yourself and anything pertaining to your current situation(s). When you feel you are ready, let me know by saying "stop" and I will begin your reading.
When the person says "stop" begin dealing the deck. Use whatever Tarot spread you like. I used the Celtic Cross spread, with my own variations, which are "Ancient Chinese Secret"! Try to spend at least 1 minute on each card. Do not mention *anything* about "future" until the end of your reading. If you do, your caller will think that's the end of the reading and hang up.
Remember, do not mention anything specific, such as "girlfriend/boyfriend", since your caller may be bi- or homosexual. You're not here to judge a person's sexual preference :) If you state you are a reader and advisor, you have given yourself a loophole that you are *not* psychic (if that is the case).
Simply state something like, "So, you're seeking a boyfriend?". The person will correct you. You can then get into details like the person's sign, favorite color and things like that. Check out my Qaballah and mix and match charts for information on how to combine other aspects from Tarot cards.
Also, don't be shy to chat with your caller. Alot of times, callers end up being very lonely people who just need someone to listen to them. And never, never lie to your caller! If he or she has asked you a question you would rather not reveal, don't.
On that note, a few no-brainers of things you shouldn't say would be like your real name, address, phone number, ect. Don't laugh, but you'd be surprised how many people do give out that information! However, I would usually say I lived in Chicago. How many Lori's (Laurie's, Lorie's, ect.) live in Chicago, anyway? :)
Ok, so you've gotten through with the reading. Is the caller antsy to get off the phone, or do you think he or she still wants to stay on? If you want to wrap it up, say,
Well, I do hope I have answered all of your questions.
If the caller seems eager for more information, go ahead with a whole new reading. If he or she is hesitant, offer a "quickie" of drawing 3 cards and determining the outcome of that. Keep your priority in mind!
When the caller really is ready to go, continue by saying,
Ok, before I let you go, I was hoping you could help me out by answering a few quick questions.
This is your chance to capture the caller's full name, address and telephone number. You get a $0.25 bonus for every completed call; and yes, they do add up! You can also offer the company's magazine to the caller at this time as well.
Remember, at the end of every call, you need to say the following:
Thank you again (name given) for calling. Again, my name is Lori at extension ______. If you ever want to call me back directly, you can by dialing (whatever number the company gives you). And remember -- $3.99 per minute. For adult and entertainment purposes only. Must be 18 -- (say that part fast). Thanks and have a good day/afternoon/night!.
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