The Tree can be divided in many ways. Slicing it three ways from top to bottom give you the Three Pillars: Female, Middle (Bisexual) and Male. Each Pillar earns its traits by the sepira they rule. Slicing the Tree across can give you a few different clusters. One is known as the Four Worlds, which is available further on this page.The Female Pillar is also known as the Pillar of Severity, as well as the Pillar of Form. Since it is female, it is negative. Not negative in the prose of good and bad, but as a scientific explanation of positive and negative. The Female Pillar is represented in black.
The Middle Pillar is bisexual in nature; coveting the energies of both positive and negative. It is also known as the Pillar of Mildness. Since the Middle Pillar consists of positive and negative energies, it is represented in grey.
The Male Pillar is also known as the Pillar of Mercy, as well as the Pillar of Force. Since the Male Pillar is positive, it is represented by white.
The Four Worlds Atziluth
The first (archtypical) of the Four Worlds; the element fire and "Yod" (of Yod-He-Vau-He). It is the same as Neschamah, the first of the Three Divisions of the Soul, which is the same in everybody. Atziluth represents the pure spirit, since it consists of Kether (the Godhead), Chokmah (Wisdom) and Binah (Understanding).
The second (creative) of the Four Worlds; the element water and the first "He" (of Yod-He-Vau-He). It is the same as Ruach, the second of the Three Divisions of the Soul. Briah represents creativity, since it consists of Chesed (Mercy), Geburah (Severity), Tipareth (Beauty), Netzach (Victory) and Hod (Glory).
The third (formative) of the Four Worlds; the element air and "Vau" (of Yod-He-Vau-He). It is the same as Nephesch, the third of the Three Divisions of the Soul. Yetzirah is the astral and the mental world, since it consists of Yesod (Foundation) and Malkuth (Kingdom).
The final (active) of the Four Worlds; the element earth and the second "He" (of Yod-He-Vau-He). It is Guph: the physical form - represented also by Malkuth, where man resides and where things happen.
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[Sections][Kether: 1] [Chokmah: 2] [Binah: 3] [Chesed: 4] [Geburah:5]
[Tipareth: 6] [Netzach: 7] [Hod: 8] [Yesod] [Malkuth: 10][Aleph (A): 11] [Beth (B) (V): 12] [Gimel (G) (Gh): 13] [Daleth (D) (Dh): 14] [He (H): 15]
[Vau (O) (U) (V): 16] [Zain (Z): 17] [Cheth (Ch): 18] [Teth (T): 19] [Yod (I) (Y): 20]
[Kaph (K) (Kh): 21] [Lamed (L): 22] [Mem (M):23] [Nun (N): 24] [Samekh (S): 25]
[A'ain (Aa) (Ngh): 26] [Pe (P) (Ph): 27] [Tzaddi (Tz): 28] [Qoph (Q): 29] [Resh (R): 30]
[Shin (S) (Sh): 31] [Tau (T) (Th): 32]