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Kyle's Lessons
by Lori Dake, 2001-2002
Kyle's Lessons, by Lori Dake, 2001-2002
Kyle is a little boy who lives in a big city. He lives in big apartment building with 12 other families, and every family is very different, but they all get along. Kyle has a mom and a dad and a big orange cat named Sneaky. Like every other family in the big apartment building, Kyle's family is different, too.Please choose from the story selections below, inspired by Kat Dyer's Meaghan stories. My hope is to have at least one story for each of our Holidays, as well as a few more. My intention is to add illustrations by the end of 2003, and to have all of the stories put together in a single book after that. They are (somewhat) based on my own family here in Chicago. I also hope you and your children enjoy them as much as I enjoy writing them. Take care!
You are welcome to reach me
by email, letter or phone.Please email me for mail and phone #
Kyle's Yule Lesson
Kyle's Imbolc Lesson
Kyle's Ostara Lesson
Kyle's Earth Day Lesson
Kyle's Beltane Lesson
Kyle's Litha Lesson
Kyle's Lammas Lesson
Kyle's Mabon Lesson