SSEK: Sekhmet Wall Hanging Ceramic (5 3/4" x 11")
Sekhmet, a lioness-goddess, worshiped in Memphis as the wife of Ptah; created by Ra from the fire of his eyes as a creature of vengeance to punish
mankind for his sins; later, became a peaceful protectress of the righteous. She was worshiped with Bast & Ra as a compound deity, Sekhmet-bast-ra, &
was considered the consort of Ptah-seker-ausar, the Powerful. She is the lioness-headed Goddess known as the Eye of Ra. Goddess of war & defense of
the divine order, Sekhmet was personified as the scorching, destructive power of the Sun. Placed in the uraeus on Ra's brow & spitting flames at her
enemies, she was sent by the ageing Ra to quell rebellion against him. However, she became uncontrolled with a desire to destroy all the rebels. Ra gave her
pomegranate juice mixed with beer to calm her down. Mistaking the mixture for human blood, she became too drunk to continue. She is one of the four
most popular aspects of Hathor: the dark aspect. This wall plaque is part of a series of Egyptian deity images created according to the representations in
Wallis Budge's Gods of the Egyptians (see Statue section for complete line). Perfect for the practices of invocational magick, the assumption of god forms,
& the devotional practices described in the A.'. A.'.?s Liber Astarte vel Berylli. Handcrafted of hydrostone clay with felted back & an attached wall hanger.
The gold painted figure stands in slight relief against a black painted background. Use as wall decoration or, with a small stand, makes a great addition to
your altar. Approx. 5?" wide x 11" long.