SRA: Ra (Hoor Khuit) Wall Hanging Ceramic (5 3/4" x 11")
Ra is the god of the sun. His name is thought to have meant creative power. Early in Egyptian history Ra was identified with Horus, the hawk or falcon-god
who represents the loftiness of the skies. Consequently, he was identified with the Pharaoh, the God-King of Egypt. Ra is father of Shu & Tefnut,
grandfather of Nuit & Geb, great-grandfather of Osiris, Set, Isis, & Nephthys, & great-great-grandfather to Horus. This wall plaque is part of a series of
Egyptian deity images created according to the representations in Wallis Budge's Gods of the Egyptians (see Statue section for complete line). Perfect for
the practices of invocational magick, the assumption of god forms, & the devotional practices described in the A.'. A.'.?s Liber Astarte vel Berylli.
Handcrafted of hydrostone clay with felted back & an attached wall hanger. The gold painted figure stands in slight relief against a black painted
background. Use as wall decoration or, with a small stand, makes a great addition to your altar. Approx. 5?" wide x 11" long.