STHO: Thoth Wall Hanging Ceramic (5 3/4" x 11")
The god of wisdom, Thoth was self-created at the beginning of time, along with his consort Ma'at (truth). The two produced eight children, of which the
most important was Amoun, the hidden one, who was worshiped in Thebes as the Lord of the Universe. Thoth carries a pen & scrolls upon which he
records all things. Thoth invented the magical & hermetic arts. The Tarot deck is usually referred to as the Book of Thoth. Brother of Osiris, Isis, &
Nephthys, & husband of the latter; he is also father of Anubis. This wall plaque is part of a series of Egyptian deity images created according to the
representations in Wallis Budge's Gods of the Egyptians (see Statue section for complete line). Perfect for the practices of invocational magick, the
assumption of god forms, & the devotional practices described in the A.'. A.'.?s Liber Astarte vel Beryl painted background.
Use as wall decoration or, with a small stand, makes a great addition to your altar. Approx. 5?" wide x 11" long.