Deck: Legend, Arthurian (dk&bk
The Arthurian legend has fascinated the Western world for over 1,000 years. It is our strongest and most compelling myth, embodying the romantic ideals of
chivalry, bravery and justice, the quest for goodness and truth, the tragedy and ectasy of love, and the unconquerable spirit's victory over death. Gallery artist
and writer Anna-Marie Ferguson has paired the ancient divinatory system of the tarot with the Arthurian myths to create Legend: The Arthurian Tarot. Her
exquisite watercolor paintings illustrates characters, places and tales from the legends. Each card represents the Arthurian counterpart to the tarot's traditional
figures, such as Merlin as the magician, Morgan le Fay as the Moon, Mordred as the King of Swords, and Arthur as the Emperor. Accompanying the deck is
a decorative layout sheet in the format of the Celtic Cross to inspire and guide your readings, as well as the book Keeper of Words, which lists the cards'
sysmbolism and tells the divinatory meanings and legend associated with each card. Kit includes 78 full-color cards, a 276 pages illustrated book, and a 22"
by 24 1/2" full-color layout sheet.