Deck: Wolf Song Cards by Hartman, Lew

Deck: Wolf Song Cards by Hartman, Lew

These cards were designed to be used as tools of self-discovery; a guide to provoke awareness, inspiration, to regain inner balance, and to initiate change. Use the cards as a starting point, and apply their meanings to your life. The essence of the Wolf Song Cards is based on change. There are four wolves in the deck, all representing a seperate aspect of change. The meanings of the cards are a composite of many sources, including Native American mythology, folklore, and studies of the animal's behavioral traits. The 62 cards in the deck guide the reader down a path of healing and personal enlightenment. Elemental Native American teachings are passed down using evocative ancient symbolism. 3" by 4 5/8".

Witch/Pagan Resources: Banner Exchange
Witch/Pagan Resources: Banner Exchange