Deck: Gypsy Fortune Tellr(dk&bk) by Buckland,Raymond
Look into your future through the mysterious art of Gypsy fortune telling. Raymond Buckland, who is from an authentic Gypsy family, reveals the secrets of
palmistry, crystal-gazing, card reading, and divining the future through the common household items. Includes the Gypsy Fortune Telling Deck, which are
actual cards created and used by the Buckland Gypsies themselves, along with the book Gypsy Fortune Telling and Tarot Reading. Amaze your friends and
yourself as you use these cards to tap into your pyschic powers. The Gypsy Fotune Telling Kit will bring you and your family hours of entertainment as well as
enlightenment. *Read Palms, tea leaves, cards *See the future using common household items: knives, dice, needles, sticks *Learn to interpret the weather
and the actions of animals. Kit includes 78 full-color cards and 240 page illustrated book.