Deck: Faery Wicca (Dk&Bk) by Stepanich, Kisma
Take a shamanic journey into the spiritual realm of Faery with the help of the Faery Wicca Tarot Deck. This 83-card tarot blends the wonders of Irish
mythology, the wisdom of the ancient Irish Faery tradition, and the insights of modern Faery Wicca into a beautiful tool for divination, positive change, and
shamanic travel. The Major Arcana corresponds to the mythological "ancient ones," and the Minor Arcana corresponds to the four elements. The deck
includes four special faery journey cards. It is based on the ancient Bardic system of understanding the universe, which is considered to be the shamanic roots
if the Irish Faery-Faith, a pre-Christian, pre-Celtic spiritual tradition. Each card contains a Bardic teaching designed to awaken greater pschic perception. The
book outlines the card descriptions, meanings, and symbol interpretations. Powerful tarot spreads reflect the ancient mystery teachings. 83 full-color cards
and 180 page book in slip cover case.