Deck: Druid Animal Oracle
You are holding a source of great power and influence - the wisdom of the animal world drawn from the wellspring of ancient Celtic tradition. The Druids,
like the Native Americans, revered animals as sacred guides, guardians and protectors. Today, the book and beautiful cards of The Druid Animal Oracle
can bring healing and will help you draw strength from its intuitive knowledge. From the interpretations of the card spreads and the animal lore given, you will
gain powerful insights into your life situation and recieve positive guidance for the future. Authors Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, who live in England, are
Chief and Scribe of the Order of Bardes, Ovates, and Druids, one of the largest international Druid groups. Kit inlcudes: *33 sacres animal cards
*Divination cloth for card spreads *176 pages illustrated book *Interpretations and traditional Lore of the sacred animals