Deck: Mythic Tarot (dk&bk)

Deck: Mythic Tarot (dk&bk)

The Mythic Tarot sweeps the medieval dust off the Tarot and brings it into the twentieth century in a form accessible to everyone. Now even the layperson can explore the secrets of the unconscious to find its bearing on his or her personal life and growth. This package contains everything the beginning card user needs: a newly designed Tarot deck based on the Greek myths; an illustrated, 224 page book explaining how to use the cards; and a silky cloth on which to lay them out. Used intelligently and sensitively, The Mythic Tarot will stimulate an innate curiosityabout yourself as well as provide the first step toward developing intuition - the hallmark of a regular Tarot reader.

Witch/Pagan Resources: Banner Exchange
Witch/Pagan Resources: Banner Exchange