Deck: Greenwood Tarot
The Greenwood Tarot is a journey if exploration into the symbolism and legend of the mythic forest. Drawing its inspiration from pre-Celtic, Dark Age
Arthurian and Green Man traditions, as well as from Robin Hood mythology, The Grenwood Tarot rediscovers and explores the wisdom that lies behind the
Tarot and its links with the ancientWheel of the Year. The vividly illustrated arcana bring to life the woodland archtypes that have become an integral part of
European folklore. The Greenwood Tarot comes as a complete set, with 78 beautifully designed cards and an explanatory book. It is an ideal introduction
for anyone new to the Tarot, and offers innovative and inspiring challanges for the more experienced Tarot reader. It is equally rewarding as an attractive
meditation system, a divination system or as a reference source of esoteric knowledge.