Deck: Tarot O/t Orishas (dk&bk
The remarkable Tarot of the Orishas employs, for the first time ever, the pwoerful energies of Brazilian Candomble. Candomble originated with the Yoruba
people of west-central Africa and is similar to Santeria in its worship of the Orishas - archetypes of sacred, powerful, and pure energy. Meet the passionate
Chango, teh most pwerful of the Orishas; Oya, guardian of the gates of death; and Oshun, patron of love, gold and marriage. The accompanying book delves
into the origins and symbolism of each card, which together provides lessons for your daily life that go beyond the material world. The cards are in English,
Spanish, and Portuguese; the book is written in English and Spanish. Kit inlcudes 77 full-color cards, 300 page book, and ritual layout sheet.