Three Books of Occult Philosophy by
The Three Books of Occult Philosphy's vast store of magical lore has been so influential that
occultists have been drawing upon it for the past five centuries. This classic work was first published
in 1531, and translated into English in 1651, but it has never since been reprinted in its entirety. Now
- for the first time in 500 years - editor Donld Tyson presents these works as Agrippa intended them
to appear: wholly complete and free from the hundreds of errors made in the original translation. As
well as providing extensive insight into the foundations of Western Esoteric tradition, the Three Books
of Occult Philosophy is the ultimate "how-to" for magical workings. It describes how to work all
manner of divinations, natural and ceremonial magic in such clear and useful detail that it is still the
guide for modern techniques. Paperback, 708 pages, as well as almost 150 pages of appendixes