Do you think you have what it takes to win this award? If so, e-mail Me with the name of your site, a description and, of course, the URL. I will then view the site thoroughly and decide whether or not it is acceptable. If you receive My award, I will link you here. Here's a few hints of things I will automatically decline:
All of the information packed on one page! Jeez people, break it up a little!
Using frames with another person's hard work trapped inside, making it appear it is yours.
Blood bars, spinning skulls and anything similar. Frankly, I'm tired of it!
Use of copyrighted material without permission or credit.
Tons of broken links or script errors. Exceptions apply, of course - i.e., banner exchanges or whatnot.I've won numerous awards in the past for My previous site on the chicagorock.com server. Perhaps you remember? Since the look and feel has changed drastically, I do not feel I should bear them here. Afterall, a novice would swear these are two completely different sites! However, if you won My award from there, of course you may keep it. You earned it - you deserve it. But if you like, you can change the linkback. I'd appreciate it.
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